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24th 2023, 9:50 PM
Realized that the "dark mode" of my site isn't very responsive (most likely because of the custom font.) I will try switching to the main font I use here, or I may get rid of it all together and embrace the pink theme. I tried looking at how to toggle themes again with css but still can't understand it.
24th 2023, 5:30 PM
Wanted to write quickly that I realized I should make a button for my site. It most likely won't be animated because I know nothing about that but I can make graphic art. I also would like to try and add a blinkie page and stamp page in general.
June 24th 2023, 10:45 AM
Hello and good morning to whoever is reading this! First off, what an eventful week we've had huh? This blog post will be a bit long since I have a lot on my mind and I haven't had the time to update this.
First off I want to quickyly mention my next idea for this website is that once I have enough blog posts, I'll be adding a page system and have links to each page on the left of this screen where it says return home. I like the layout of this blog but having to scroll through every single post seems be bit troublesome. Maybe after 3 or 5 posts I'll add a new page. I do write quite a bit as well. So, recently my boyfriend and I have been playing Borderlands 2 together. We used to play a lot back in the day online when we were teens, now that we live together though we can play next to each other. :) I'm still playing on my old ass ps4 while he plays on the other TV with his PS5. I've been playing as Zer0, I always played as Gaige because she's my other favorite character in the game. Playing as Zer0 though has been fun! Playing this game also brings back a lot of fun memories for me. Borderlands 2 is my most favorite game in the series as well! I did enjoy the first Borderlands and pre-sequal, though pre-sequal was a bit meh... Unfortuneately, Borderlands 3 was a bit of a dissapoiontment for me. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the game. But there's a lot about Borderlands 2 I like better than 3. BL3 Has a lot of fun customization options, and I did enjoy seeing a lot of my old favorite characters make an appearence. Gameplay wise, it was ok. I think my biggest issue with is the weapons system. I really loved a lot of the weapons I'd get in Borderlands 2, especially Vladof and Tedadore weapons. In Borderlands 3 I just seemed to have trouble finding a weapon I liked, not to mention I do not like how the system works when finding legendaries in 3. A lot of the legendary weapons in 3 are gimmick weapons, which is funny and all at first... but I'd really like to just have a reliable weapon to use for the game. I think my other issue with 3 is that they just focus WAY too much on the humor aspect of the game rather than the gameplay itself. There's really a lot of dated memes they put in there, like this really weird millenial coffee joke in one section of the game you play. I know Borderlands 1 and 2 had their fair share of meme humor but they had timeless jokes as well that I felt made the game enjoyable. Usually I like Borderlands humor but I guess the third game just isn't for me. I'll take this time to mention I did very much enjoy Tales from Borderlands. I have not played the new Tiny Tina spinoff that was released recently, as sadly I don't really have an interest in it. My boyfriend played it and he said it's not all that worth it. My mini review of Borderlands 3 here only really covered a few things, I will probably replay it with my boyfriend and see if my feelings change. I do have more to say about it but that's all I'll discuss for now. The last thing I'd like to discuss in this blog is the submarine situation from this past week. I saved this section for last so please feel free to skip it. What did we learn from this missing submarine? Well for one, a migrant ship with 500 people also went missing. I think the main thing we can learn is that tragedy and death do not discriminate, even if you're wealthy you're still suseptable to a certain outcome especially if you're neglegent. I'm guilty myself of poking fun at this situation, the memes and jokes were funny and all. It was probably a nice distraction, but I do think it's important to remember how this could have been avoided if the CEO listened to his employee. His actions led to the death of himself, and 4 other men. They were wealthy people but I especially feel bad for the 19 year old kid, and he absolutely didn't deserve this fate. If you didn't know, he didn't want to go on the trip at all but did it for his dad. From this event I also find it really interesting how much the media spun this story to keep it going. Mainly, I think it's weird how there was a countdown for how much oxygen they had left, when it was more than likely there wasn't any oxygen regardless since the submarine imploded. This was all spun as a rescue mission when most experts knew there was 0 chance of life at this point. Since this situation surfaced though, I've been seeing a lot of stuff about the ocean on my FYP on TikTok and Twitter (how funny) and it led me to this cute video of these fish deep in the marina trench feeding on this bait. I think the ocean itself is truly a mysterious place, and I think despite the scariness and emptiness of it, it's amazing there's still life deep in the darkness. I found this video interesting and a little uplifting when a very large shrimp showed up. Apparently since there's not a lot of life deep in the ocean, there's more room for these little guys to grow since there's very few predators. It makes me think how peaceful it could be down there.
June 21st 2023, 9:45 PM
Hello again and good evening to whoever is reading this. Behold! I have added a comment box, sort of. I didn't like the way HTML comment box from bawkbox looked. One other comment box I found required people to make an account, and I wanted anonymous people to be able to comment, so that was a no go. I searched for other alternitives and since I don't know how to make one myself, I settled with cbox. I know it's a chat room but I figured it could work. Of course I don't expect many comments anyway but it was a cute idea to me! Now that the blog portion of my website is done, along with my credits page, my to do list is basically done for now. And I'm at a bit of a block for what else I'd like to do. Maybe I can add one of those fun pets I see on other peoples pages, or there was a fun little webring I found called the "self insert webring" and that definitely applies to me. I know there's serveral other things that I should do that are optional but seem fun like make a button for my website or add a blinkie collection, and stamps. There's a lot of possibilites! In the meantime, I should try to also draw more. I'm dealing with an art block right now and I just can't think of what else to draw. Maybe I'll draw more monster high art, since a lot of people seemed to like my dracugoona drawing (one of my favorite ships.) I forgot to quickly mention, my other project I have planned is that I will be making pages for some of my OC's. Some of my OC's I don't have a lot of drawings for yet, which is why I need to draw. I don't know when I'll start working on it but it'll be a fun little project. Anyway, have a good night!
19th 2023, 9:38 PM
Hello! This is my first blog post for my website. This should have been the first thing I did for this website but I got carried away with a bunch of other things, and I still find myself wanting to add more things! This layout itself took me all day, but thankfully I was able to figure this out. I'm not actually sure how this layout will workout for me though so I'm going to add an image now to see how it looks.
![]() wow, it's skiploom! my favorite pokemon :) Anyway, I will take this time to discuss my other future plans for this website. I'd like to also add a comment box to this blog because I think that'd be fun, then after that I'd like to make the index more lively. I do have a dark mode for this blog but I will not be making anymore pages for it as it's a bit tedious, and I'm still new to coding. I am aware there's a way to do it with java and CSS but it looked a bit overwhelming for me. I think that's it for now. |