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July 5th 2023, 10:00 PM
Finally! I have completed all of the major updates for this website. Anything else will be small additions for funnies. Also I posted a new drawing of my two wizard astrolger OC's who are in love. Glad to be inspired again with my great ideas. Anyway that's it, goodnight!
July 3rd 2023, 10:00 PM
Hello. It seems I like to write during the night time, which is weird because I am not a night owl! Anyway I drew a lot today and I finsished some stuff up on the website, I have a snazzy new art page that I think looks fun. All I need to do now is fix the credits and resources page and remove, and add some sources, then the site will be done for now. At least until I come up with some other ideas! I hope everyone had a good weekend and is having a safe and relaxing night. Goodnight!
July 2nd 2023, 9:40 PM
Good evening everyone. I have updated the front page of my website and am happy with how it looks! The overall theme with the popup windows is how I will continue making the rest of my website look. This will be done soon enough over time, may just take a bit. Then after I don't know what I'll do but I'll figure something out. I had a lovely relaxing weekend, well sort of. I went to Walmart to get groceries Saturday and well, that's always an experience! Then I saw the new Spider-Man movie, which was amazing by the way! I really love the animation and art style and I enjoy the creativity and uniqueness put into this movie. A breath of fresh air compared to other Marvel movies as well. After the movies I played some Borderlands 2 with my boyfriend. Today I did have a small flare up with some health stuff because of the long work week but I rested today and will be able to rest tomorrow and Tuesday as well. As some may know twitter is fucking up real bad! I think it's kinda funny, thank god tumblr is still around. I was thinking of using instagram but that'll take time for me to get used to. Anyway that's it for now, goodnight. :)
28th 2023, 9:40 PM
Good evening everyone. I hope everyone is having good days if you're reading this.
I don't want to make this blog a negetive space so I wont, but I do want to be honest and share that it's been a rough month and few weeks. And the dreadful smoke from the canada fires will be returning in my area tonight. Thankfully I have an air purifier in my home though. The wind could also work in our favor and make it so it barely hits us, who knows! I won't go into details of most things but things are looking up a bit, and despite my strong and heavy emotions along with the rough energy I've been feeling, I just want to say I'm happy and grateful to be alive. Even through the dark times I've always found something that makes me happy inbetween. There's a quote I keep seeing from a tumblr post that says something like "I love being alive, forgive me for forgetting." I have have a habit of forgetting too. While I can't always control my emotions I'm still happy to be here. I hope the same for anyone reading this. Other than that, I still have the rest of this work week ahead of me then during the weekend I will probably continue working on some site updates, but I also would like to try and get back into drawing again. I tried doodling the other night and I just have a horrible art block! So I need to fix that. Anyway, goodnight everyone!
26th 2023, 12:30 PM
Good afternoon, behold I have once again revamped the style of my page and added pages to my blog. This is the second page, the third page is linked but does not exist yet, obviously.
As you can see things look a bit different, I've decided I'm going to change the look of my website again. I found a neat little div box that is a windows 98 styles box, which I found here. I will be sure to put this in my credits page as well. I'll be redoing my index page to use this div box, and will potentially get rid of a few other pages such as the weather page and just add it to my index. I'll also be removing my dark mode, it was a fun experiment but it's very hard to make multiple pages for a dark mode, especially since it's a bit hard for me to figure out how to use css and java to toggle different themes. Maybe in the future I will make a separate website which a darker theme, or I'll make another page somewhere on here that could have a horror theme. Other than that I am happy with how this blog looks. That's all for now! |