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August 25th, 8:30 PM
Hello! it's been quite a while. In fact it's been so long I think I probably completely forgot how to code a website now. That scares me.
I'm still here though, I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas. It's now my hyperfixation. Also, I'll be going on a trip this week. :) I've been extremely busy and my mental health has been a bit low. When I return to updating this website I will be changing a few things. Take care whoever reads this!
July 30th, 1:47 PM
Wanted to state real quickly that I just noticed one of the websites I took some icons from is offline now :// I was gonna add where I got the icons for the div boxes on my main page and other pages and icons for my links to my credits page and now it's gone! Oh well. Hopefully they'll come back online.
July 30th, 1:45 PM
Finished reading Gone to See the River Man. I enjoyed it and it was a pretty nice read. It was a little meh though compared to Full Brutal, I think I enjoyed that a little bit more. This book also felt a bit more predictable and kinda meh, but I do enjoy the authors writing overall.
Started reading a little bit of They All Died Screaming also by Kristopher Triana, but this feels a bit slow so far. Trying to find something a bit more disturbing like when I read The Playground, maybe I'm just weird so I'm descenitized to horror things. Because that Judith Sonnet book just didn't do it for me despite people saying how shocking it was... but I just thought it was shockingly horribly written. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
July 27th, 5:50 PM
I finished reading No One Rides For Free. It was only 10 chapters. The authors note at the end says it only took them 10 days to write. No offense but it's kind of obvious... there's several spelling errors in this book, which I understand is because when you write this kinda stuff you probably don't have an editor and you're self published. Still, as a horror fan I still think we're allowed to have high standards for what we consume. Maybe this author has better work though. The content itself was OK. I guess my feelings about this book are similar to The Slob, there's not much to say about this other than it's pure shock content. There's 2 warnings in the book, one in the beginning then in the very middle of the book warning you not to move on if you can't handle the extreme content. To me honestly it wasn't that shocking. The content will be extremely triggering to most peiople, but as I read it I just kinda facepalmed and thought "really?".
I'm continuing with Gone to See the River Man and I'm enjoying this much more and am intrigued.
July 27th, 2:25 PM
Hi there, I don't really much much to say today but felt like writing. I'm drawing a little bit today since I have the day off but I'm still lacking some inspiration.
I'm also going to either start reading Gone to See the River Man By Kristopher Triana or No One Rides For Free by Judeth Sonnet. Since I enjoyed Full Brutal so much by the same author I'm excited to read his other books. I heard good things about Judeth Sonnet. This weekend my boyfriend and I are going to play side by side Fallout: New Vegas and do a challenge run to see who can beat the game the fastest and also give each other some rules. I still haven't been in the mood to code or add other pages to this website but I'm thinking maybe next I'll add a shrine. I stll had some stuff on my to list and kinda forgot what they were. Hope everyone is having a good day!
July 25th, 5:00 PM
Alright, I have also finished Full Brutal. (Just so everyone knows these books are not very long... I don't really read books often and I dunno how fast the average book worm goes through a novel. But being part of the extreme horror genre, I can guess I'll be going through these pretty shortly.)
This book was good and well written, I enjoyed it. But it was mentally rough to read. I think I heard people say this was similar to American Psycho but it's a teenage girl as the main character, and that is correct. But the main character is somehow 20 billion times worse than Patrick Bateman himself. She's absolutely rotten and evil and I didn't feel good things as I continued reading on. The final act of the book is really a gut punch after reading the dreadful and traumatizing first part of the book. I haven't decided yet what Ill be reading next. Also thankfully I'm feeling a little better from the period flu.
July 25th, 10:30 AM
I finsished reading The Slob by Aron Beaugard, it was a pretty short read. The book was just ok, it was really just a bunch of disgusting stuff for the sake of being disgusting. Pretty gross but I didn't enjoy this as much. Plus, the ending was just really bad if I'm to be honest. I enjoyed reading The Playground a lot more, while it was also disgusting and brutal it was really just more well written than this book. This book does have a sequal which I hear is a lot better but I don't think I'll be reading it because this isn't something I'm interested in... anyway, the next book I'm currently reading now is Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana. I hear a lot of positive things with this book. I'm only into the first few chapters but so far, this book makes me feel icky. The main character is currently in the beginning of going down a dark path of trauma so I'm interested to see where the rest of this goes. I'm excited to get into other books in the extreme horror genre, I didn't realize these novels existed and this is the kind of thing I've been interesetd in reading but could never find. Also, unfortunetly I've lost my inspiration to draw again. Probably just because of my period, I do not feel good today and have period flu. I have no site updates because I don't feel like coding and I don't have any other ideas right now. I also don't want to join a web ring until I make a button for my website which I just don't feel artsy enough to do right now. I hope everyone is having a good week! |